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Our Schools

Important Info

We at CMS hope that all of our Seahawk families are safe after the recent effects of Hurricane Helene. Our team of counselors will be reaching out to all those who may have been impacted. Additionally, here is a list of resources our counseling team and social workers created if you need additional assistance. Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of students, staff, and families. 

Order Your Yearbook, picture of camera

Special early bird pricing: You may order your child's yearbook in School Cash now for only $27. The price will increase in January.


Ms. Loadholt will begin conducting rehearsals for the SCCPSS All-City Chorus on Thursdays from 2:50-4:30 PM. The first rehearsal is scheduled for Thursday September 5th and the event is from October 25-26.

Science Olympiad

Our first Science Olympiad meeting is Friday September 6th after school until 3:45pm in Ms. Love’s room (Room 29). Please come if you are interested, even if you were not able to complete the google registration form! We have an exciting competition season ahead of us and are looking forward to building a strong team. Please email with any questions! See you Friday!


As school is back in full swing, we also would like to take this time to remind our Seahawks about our district's Covid-19 guidance. Please review the SCCPSS Guidance chart here.